RSS Parrot


🦜 Alison Wilder

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Musician, technologist, storyteller

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Annual Studio Revamp: 2024 Edition

Published: September 10, 2024 14:13

In a fit of personal nostalgia, I've been looking back at previous posts, journals, and spreadsheets recently. One pattern that has emerged: once every year in the early summer, I make major changes to my studio in an attempt to fix things that have been…

Live at the Ambient Grill

Published: August 28, 2024 19:04

Last weekend, Greg and I made some completely unplanned…err, improvised ambient music at my house. He played for several hours during the party, and I joined in a bit. The release is the stuff we played together. You can listen and download the audio for…

The Ambient Grill: Loop to be Merry

Published: June 26, 2024 23:29

It all started with party planning. I decided to have a summer grillin’ bash, which is obviously a good idea in the first place. Of course, I invited Greg Wilder, and he immediately said, “what if I played ambient music the whole time?” Thus, the Ambient…

Why I Don’t Journal Every Day

Published: April 3, 2024 23:05

Everywhere you turn, the suggestion for creative people is to “journal every day.” It’s “the artist’s way,” we’re told. Honestly, I felt internal pressure to keep a daily journal way before I ever heard of Julia Cameron. There are multiple books from my…

Album Release: Misalignment by Doctor Body

Published: March 3, 2024 15:58

This week, Greg and I released Misalignment, our first LP as our duo Doctor Body. My favorite quote so far: “Part shimmering sonic collage, part experimental dream pop, all hauntingly catchy.” I’m so thrilled to get this album out in the world. It’s…

Hello GPT, My Name Is…

Published: January 16, 2024 19:35

I wrote the following introductory text for my personal ChatGPT account when I wanted to use it to help me brainstorm (???) ideas for my new YouTube channel. As I’ve already found with prompt writing, it was clarifying to describe myself to an LLM for this…