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Planet KDE | English

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Okteta got “Best Application” 2024 Akademy Award

Published: September 19, 2024 17:08

The jury of this year’s KDE Akademy Awards, being by tradition representatives of last year’s winners, has selected the hex editor Okteta in the category “Best Application”. Thanks to them for this appreciation, even more for a niche application Though,…

Implementing an Audio Mixer, Part 2

Published: September 19, 2024 07:15

Recap In Part 1, we covered PCM audio and superimposing waveforms, and developed an algorithm to combine an arbitrary number of audio streams into one. Now we need to use these ideas to finish a full implementation using Qt Multimedia. Using Qt Multimedia…

Qt for MCUs 2.8.1 LTS released

Published: September 18, 2024 11:50

Qt for MCUs 2.8.1 LTS (Long-Term Support) has been released and is available for download.  This first patch release provides bug fixes and other improvements while maintaining source compatibility with Qt for MCUs 2.8. It does not add any new…

Akademy 2024

Published: September 17, 2024 12:21

From Fri, Sep 6th to Tue, Sep 10th I attended the 2024 edition of KDE Akademy in Würzburg, Germany. I booked a room in a hotel downtown the same place CoLa, a fellow KDE developer, stayed. Since parking is rather expensive in downtown areas, I left the car…

Plasma 6.2 Beta in KDE neon Testing Edition

Published: September 16, 2024 15:25

Back from the fun of Akademy in Würzburg we can now get to the important task of testing Plasma 6.2 beta. It’s now in KDE neon testing edition which we build from the Git branches which will be used to make the 6.2 final release in 2.5 weeks time. Grab it…

This Week in KDE Apps

Published: September 16, 2024 00:00

Back from Akademy Welcome to the first post in our "This Week in KDE Apps" series! You may have noticed that Nate's "This Week in KDE" blog posts no longer cover updates about KDE applications. KDE has grown significantly over the years, making it…

Kdenlive 24.08.1 released

Published: September 15, 2024 18:23

Kdenlive 24.08.1 is out and we urge all to upgrade. This version fixes recent playback and render regressions while fixing a wide range of bugs. Full changelog: Fix reassigning timecode to project clip. Commit. Fixes bug #492697. Fix possible crash on…

Akademy went to me

Published: September 14, 2024 15:00

This year’s Akademy was a special one for me in many ways. First of all, instead of me travelling to Akademy it took place in my hometown of Würzburg, Germany. While I did have a hand in organizing it, most of the credit for it goes to Tobias and David. I…

Web Review, Week 2024-37

Published: September 14, 2024 11:23

Alright… this is published a bit later than usual due to travels and lack of energy. Anyway, let’s go for my web review for the week 2024-37. Fediverse Discovery Providers Tags: tech, fediverse, search Nice to see such a project be funded. Let’s see how…

Akademy 2024

Published: September 14, 2024 06:30

This week I attended the 2024 edition of KDE Akademy in Würzburg, Germany. Akademy CC-BY-SA 4.0 by Andy Betts Akademy is the people. Just a bit over 100km away from Würzburg I attended my very first Akademy in 2004. Twenty years later I still meet some…

This week in Plasma: 6.2 beta release!

Published: September 14, 2024 02:50

Technically Akademy isn’t part of Plasma, but most of KDE’s movers and shakers were here in Würzburg for Akademy 2024 this week, so the list of technical work merged was understandably light; we were all busy with conference things! I’ve already blogged…

My Akademy 2024 trip

Published: September 14, 2024 00:00

Akademy is this yearly thing where bunch of KDE people go to talk about and work on KDE software. I had never been in one before, but this year I managed to make it there! This year Akademy was held at the city of Würzburg. This was also my first time in…

Qt Contributor Summit and Akademy

Published: September 14, 2024 00:00

This year I went to Würzburg, which is a nice small German city famous for its wine. But I didn’t only go there for the wine, but also to attend Qt Contributor Summit and Akademy. Qt Contributor Summit The travel to Würzburg didn’t go as planned as Deutsch…

Disable the Plasma Morphing Popups effect (at least on X11)

Published: September 13, 2024 20:48

If you're using Plasma/KWin 6 i suggest you disable the Morphing Popups effect, it has been removed for Plasma 6.2 and on X11 at least it causes severe redraw issues with…

After Akademy 2024

Published: September 13, 2024 18:02

This year’s Akademy (KDE’s annual conference) in Wurzburg, Germany was a success! Yours truly had a chance to speak during the Akademy days and present our new design system to the community. As previously reported in my youtube channel and in my posts,…

Akademy and Kdenlive Sprint report

Published: September 13, 2024 17:53

Part of the Kdenlive team attended this year’s Akademy – KDE’s annual conference in Würzburg, Germany. Since we don’t have so many occasions to meet in real life, we also used the event to make a Kdenlive team sprint. So here is a report of what happened…

UbuCon Asia 2024: My first ever conference!

Published: September 13, 2024 15:00

“Heather, Heather, Heather; what did you now!” and both me & Fenris started laughing with Till, as we’re discussing about some issue in the thunderbird snap during the conference dinner. Yup, this is from UbuCon Asia, my First conference First flight…