🦜 Gerhard Potgieter
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Senior Software Engineer @ Automattic specializing in eCommerce
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WooCommerce 3.3: Hide uncategorize category from shop
Published: February 9, 2018 05:30
In WooCommerce 3.3 we introduced a new uncategorized category all product will default to when no other category is assigned to them. This is the same behavior that WordPress uses for posts. With that, unfortunately, if your shop is set up to display…
The Road To Getting FTTH In South Africa Part 1
Published: January 24, 2018 13:41
This post forms part of a series of posts that I will be doing to document my journey to obtaining Fibre To The Home (FTTH) in South Africa. It all started back in 2014, Fibre To The Home (FTTH) was a hot topic on all the tech news sites and you were…
WooCommerce 3.2: Add back option to resend admin order email
Published: October 13, 2017 07:15
Since WooCommerce 3.2 the option to resend the admin new order email was removed. The reason was that it was a pretty much-unused feature as admins already have access to the orders so they could just look it up. However, if you relied on this feature for…
Installing PHPUnit on Mac OSX
Published: October 12, 2017 10:55
So you have an Apple Mac and want to get started in the wonderful world of Unit Testing. Writing a unit test is very straightforward, yet most open source software projects have very limited unit tests available so always welcome more and it could be an…
WooCommerce: Hide refund reason from customers
Published: October 9, 2017 12:30
Refunds can be a sore subject but it is something that every store has to deal with, keeping track of refund reasons can be very beneficial to you so you can keep pushing your refund rate down further and further. The problem is that you do not always want…
WooCommerce: Do not allow account creation with fake emails
Published: November 16, 2016 08:46
ECommerce is serious business, that is why when a customer signs up to your store you want the most accurate information to stay in touch, promote your products and offer decent after sales service. Unfortunately, there are lots of chancers out there on…
Uploading Files With wp_remote_post Or wp_remote_request
Published: July 30, 2014 08:23
My job at WooThemes enables me to work on all sorts of cool projects and enables me to push the limits of what is possible with WordPress each day. Some of the projects I work on that I enjoy the most is projects that involves interfacing with any sort of…
WooCommerce 2.1 Add Confirm Password Field on My Account Register Form
Published: March 28, 2014 09:09
As per my last tutorial, which showed you how to add a password confirm field to the checkout page, this tutorial falls in the same category but for the register form on the My Account page. In WooCommerce 2.1 the repeat password fields was removed as it…
WooCommerce 2.1 Add Confirm Password Field at Checkout
Published: February 25, 2014 08:07
The last couple of weeks I have spent a lot of time working on some tutorials to reverse some of the changes introduced in WooCommerce 2.1 to the ways it was in WooCommerce 2.0. This tutorial is another one of this cases, WooCommerce 2.1 removed the…
WooCommerce 2.1 Grouped Prices Revert To WooCommerce 2.0 Format
Published: February 24, 2014 09:37
Last week I did a tutorial that showed you how to change your WooCommerce 2.1 Variation prices from the new range format to the old WooCommerce 2.0 From: format, that tutorial however only included changing the prices of variable products. The following…