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Leo Varadkar says the next Irish government should start actively preparing for unification…

Published: June 16, 2024 12:51

Ben M is a slugger reader from Dublin I’ve long thought conflating the unification issue with SF distorts it. A border poll, and the preparations that precede it will be dominated by a wider range of Irish political, state, and civic entities, of which SF…

The DUP have forgotten that divided parties don’t inspire confidence and certainly don’t win elections…

Published: June 15, 2024 12:33

The Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) has experienced a rollercoaster journey since becoming the predominant force within Unionism. While they have enjoyed significant triumphs, such as holding the balance of power in Westminster and securing £1 billion in…

The best people to lead us towards unity are the moderate nationalists of Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil…

Published: June 14, 2024 10:11

Regular readers of this blog will not be surprised when I say that I am glad to see the Sinn Féin vote cratering in the local and European elections in the Republic. Under 12% in those elections is some dive downwards from the mid-30s high of opinion polls…

Results suggest Sinn Féin’s ‘inflection point’ (and a UI) remain some way off

Published: June 14, 2024 05:49

Regardless of how you cut it, one of the big stories of the southern locals was Sinn Féin’s failure to break through, again. In order to understand why more than 2o0 SF candidates failed to gain a council seat it’s worth noting the poll ratings at the…

GE ’24: South Down Constituency Profile…

Published: June 13, 2024 08:06

This was the second most marginal Westminster constituency in Northern Ireland in 2019, with only 1,620 votes separating the winner, Chris Hazard (Sinn Féin) from the runner-up Michael Savage (SDLP). The seat has been in nationalist hands since 1987,…

GE ’24: Strangford Constituency Profile…

Published: June 12, 2024 10:04

There was a majority of 7,091 votes in 2019 for the winner, Jim Shannon (DUP) over his Alliance challenger, Kellie Armstrong. The seat was created in 1983 and has always been unionist. Shannon has held it since 2010. The changes made to the constituency…

First thoughts on Sinn Féin’s disastrous election

Published: June 11, 2024 18:25

David Moane is retired, lives in Dublin and takes an active interest in Southern politics. Here he shares his thoughts on the lessons that need to be learned by Sinn Féin after their disappointing performance in the recent elections. The European and local…

Upper Bann Constituency Profile – GE’24

Published: June 11, 2024 10:05

This was the eighth safest Westminster constituency in Northern Ireland in 2019, with 8,210 votes separating the winner, Carla Lockhart (DUP) from Sinn Féin’s John O’Dowd. The seat was created in 1983 and has always returned a unionist. The changes made to…

Trump jumps the shark…

Published: June 11, 2024 09:28

Stop what you are doing and take 1 minute 25 seconds to listen to Trump’s speech involving boats, batteries and sharks. Trump: So I said, let me ask you a question and he said, nobody ever asked this question and it must be because of MIT, my relationship…

Frost in June? Our increasingly weird weather…

Published: June 11, 2024 06:53

To say it is a bit nippy for June is an understatement. The past week or two, it has been feckin’ freezing at times, with a wind that would cut you. I noticed on the Beltel weather report it said: It will be a chilly night with a touch of frost possible in…

Nigel Farage rides two Unionist horses…

Published: June 11, 2024 06:45

It was a bit of an embarrassment for the DUP, as their buddies in the Reform Party decided to form an alliance with their rival Traditional Unionist Voice (TUV). But now Nigel Farage has told the Press Association he would throw his weight behind Sammy…

GE ’24: West Tyrone Constituency Profile…

Published: June 10, 2024 10:00

This Westminster constituency gave Órfhlaith Begley (Sinn Féin) a majority of 7,478 votes over Thomas Buchanan (DUP). The constituency was created in 1997 and has been in nationalist hands since 2001. Begley was originally elected in a by-election in 2018.…