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Founder & reigning monarch at TPM. Lapsed historian. Hand tool woodworker. Jew.

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Published: February 18, 2025 22:37

Part of the key here is that as these guys' backgrounds have been dug into, almost all of them have histories of VERY transgressive behavior. Not all of its terrible behavior but sort of young guy line-jumping, rule-cutting, & well .... nazi-friending…

Published: February 18, 2025 21:47

Not only has CMS, the agency which administers Medicare, been hit by a round of mass-firings. The people who run it haven't been told who was fired. They're having to figure that out by themselves.

Published: February 18, 2025 21:43

Is This Why Musk Keeps Using the Same Dozen Tech Micro-Bros for Each Takeover?

Published: February 18, 2025 18:41

Is This Why Musk Keeps Using the Same Dozen Tech Micro-Bros for Each Takeover?

Published: February 18, 2025 06:40

Curious if it’s coincidence. In the last couple days I’ve started to see ads for St Jude’s Hospital on instagram. They’re not the ones I’m used to seeing on TV for charitable contributions. These seem to be making the argument for the importance of the…

Published: February 18, 2025 05:20

She’s 100% right. Homans is a cheap punk and a big ole bitch. Smacking him (rhetorically) in the face in response to his gangster tactics makes him look like a fool. [contains quote post or other embedded content]

Published: February 18, 2025 04:50

The post rejecting this ad is legitimately shocking. The reporters continue doing great work. But ownership can’t be this captive and not sap the paper of credibility. [contains quote post or other embedded content]

Published: February 18, 2025 00:52

I think anyone who's been paying attention knows this. But it's worth stating clearly. The idea that any of Elon's wilding spree is being done in the name of efficiency is absurd on its face because the terminations are virtually all being done based on…

Published: February 17, 2025 21:38

In advance of SpaceX/Elon engineers causing more airliner catastrophes here's a remind that American commercial aviation has had a near perfect safety record going back 23 years. Totally unprecedented in aviation history. Here's a graphic that gives the…

Published: February 17, 2025 21:24

So it turns out that NYC has what amounts to its own 25th amendment. And we may be about to give it a spin on the open road. link here to the city charter, search "inability committee"

Published: February 17, 2025 20:28

Thinking about Elon, Trump and the rest of them, you want leaders who can look back on the newsreels of the 1930s and 1940s and viscerally know that the Allies were the good guys. Elon, Trump and they're big cronies don't see it that way.

Published: February 17, 2025 20:27

A good moment to remember the Russia thing was always real. Trump's goal is to help Russia and Putin, always has been. He's trying to throw our democratic allies under the bus and America as well. Again, the Russia thing was always real.

Published: February 17, 2025 19:30

Bonneville Power Administration, Northwest’s largest transmission grid operator letting go of 600 workers as part of Trumps cuts

Published: February 17, 2025 16:49

Thus far DOGE operatives have have full read access to govt payments system at Treasury (yr tax refunds, bank info, etc); full access to all CMS data (anything tied to your Medicare or Medicaid); and now they are seeking full access to everyone's tax…

Published: February 17, 2025 16:29

Not only is everything Musk is saying bullshit, often, as in this case, stuff people with the most basic knowledge can spot, but there's more to it. He & his cronies have already defamed & libeled numerous civil servants, claiming among other things that…

Published: February 17, 2025 14:28

Trump Official Destroying USAID Secretly Met With Christian Nationalists Abroad In Defiance Of US Policy

Published: February 17, 2025 14:27

GOP Sens Worried About Trump’s NIH Cuts Turn To Limp Public Negotiations With RFK, Trump

Published: February 16, 2025 19:02

This is looking much more like the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact in which two stronger frenemy powers divide up the caught-in-between smaller power. But there's another player here: Europe, which is rightly reacting with alarm and sees, accurately, a alliance of…

Published: February 16, 2025 17:31

I have seen many of the firing notices Bloomberg is reporting on here. But part of the challenge is pulling together all the info for the big picture. They do a good job of it here. Though as they note hard to be sure abt full scope of firings. [contains…

Published: February 16, 2025 16:31

I'll set aside that he thinks chicken farms are going to build high tech security perimeters against geese. If he's talking about bio-sec and anti-virals, maybe not an ideal time to be firing everyone at USDA and CDC. [contains quote post or other…

Published: February 16, 2025 15:44

When I was a boy the closest thing to a coherent moral/epistemic worldview I was raised with was based on Star Trek. You could do worse frankly. But I note this here to note that I come to Elonism with a lot of intrinsic sympathy and exuberance for the…

Published: February 16, 2025 15:00

A non-trivial part of the issue here are the strong incentives within the academic legal culture to produce knowingly & facially absurd arguments as sorts of feats of cranial strength and very little acculturation pushing in the opposite direction. …

Published: February 16, 2025 14:52

We’ve seen personal testimonials now from many of the DOGErs. The common thread is far-right/Yarvinite/fascistic political views/origin stories. It’s worth asking how/why you’d continue to attempt something at this scale with such a reliance on what…

Published: February 16, 2025 13:46

Not the most important thing but just to give you a feel - frequent instances of people being fired by people who refuse to identify themselves, with letters that are unsigned or people refuse to sign. I just read one of those letters starts “Hello,” then…

Published: February 16, 2025 01:16

Trumps comment simply drives home his alienness. Standing against his degeneracy is standing with America. We don’t have masters. We don’t bow to tyrants. Americas civic tradition is complex, democratic, libertarian, raucous, conflicted. It abhors tyrants.

Published: February 15, 2025 17:00

I know it sounds like treating as a joke or not taking it seriously. But he's gone up against Putin. He can take on Trump too. And yes, I know what that means. But Trump is a bitch and Zelensky still has cards to play. [contains quote post or other…

Published: February 15, 2025 14:11

Keeping this vague because I don’t want to shine a light on particular people. But I was told one of case of a scholar who studies women in a particular kind of professional work. Pretty straightforward. Under the new system they’ve been old that subject…

Published: February 15, 2025 01:42

Not how it works, guys …. 3 men claiming to be from DOGE show up at San Francisco City Hall, demand records via @KPIXTV

Published: February 15, 2025 01:38

So doge accidentally fired the people who manage the country’s nuclear arsenal, published classified data on their hacky website. Are we still going to be alive by next week? [contains quote post or other embedded content]

Published: February 15, 2025 01:23

A lot of people who know very little about the US govt don't know that a big part of Dept of Energy's portfolio is nukes. That's okay. Not everyone has to know everything. But it turns out the people Elon put in charge of gutting the department's workforce…

Published: February 15, 2025 00:58

In addition to being civic degenerates these people are in every case infantile, sloppy and incompetent. Grand flourishes of performative cruelty followed by entitled pleas of "I don't know how to do this. Can you help?" [contains quote post or other…

Published: February 15, 2025 00:36

The US is under temporary management of people who abhor the American civic tradition and crave the affection of dictators yearn to become part of foreign authoritarian traditions. [contains quote post or other embedded content]

Published: February 14, 2025 21:54

There’s a real chance that we staring down a new pandemic in the form of bird flu. It could never happen or happen in the coming months. And we are in the process of decimating our core national public health and infectious disease service.

Published: February 14, 2025 21:13

The best people to ask about what it's like to work at a company isn't the owner but the employees. You can find a list of them in a starter pack that is pinned at the top of my bio. But I can tell you one thing that makes @TPM a good place to work in an…

Published: February 14, 2025 19:59

Important message for federal civil servants. There are probationary employees who are new in government service and those who are labeled as probationary because of a job switch but who have continuous government service prior to their current job. If…

Published: February 14, 2025 17:21

One point that seldom gets thru in most coverage. "Probationary employees" are the people getting fired today. That's usually explained as people in their first year of employment. But in many cases that's people in their first year in *their particular…

Published: February 14, 2025 17:15

"Thousands of workers were laid off in messages delivered through prerecorded videos and on group calls. Some were ordered to leave the building within 30 minutes. Others were told they would be formally fired by emails, which never arrived."…

Published: February 14, 2025 17:08

In its totality what's happening at HHS & NIH is a Musk/Trump effort to shutdown almost all cancer cure research in the US. No more new cures. Cancer's brand is really in the dumps. It polls terribly. This is a political argument that is straightforward to…

Published: February 14, 2025 16:53

This is false. The power of the purse is meaningless if the executive can simply disregard the appropriation of dollars is the law. There are numerous specific textual bases for this claim. But the mere logic of the document and the structure it creates…

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